Tool Time Blog - 7/16/2019

Tool Time Blog - 7/16/2019

Hoi Hoi,

I hope you all enjoyed my past blog about Kasie and Kylee, if you have not read it yet you should! No interviews this week, as I will be the one telling everyone a little about myself again. Let us start with one of the more fun things I did this week. My family and all our fremily (friends that we spend so much time with that they are basically family) went to Doloris.

Doloris is one of the newest attractions in my hometown, we do not have many, but we have way more then Auburn has. Doloris, also known as The META Maze, is a huge indoor maze with artistically decorated rooms that are designed for you to crawl or walk through. The best part of it all is you start the “journey” by yourself, no phone, or any concept of time. You are blindfolded and led to the entrance by one of the gatekeepers; you then are let in and just start exploring. The rooms are quite creepy sometimes or even completely in the dark. There is no precise route, and you are just supposed to go and discover by yourself.

I must say I was a little freaked out because I was the first one chosen to go in and when I entered the maze no one else was there. Luckily for me, about 10-minutes later I found two of my friends and we continued exploring for about another hour. We walked across piano’s, through a slide, and even crawled through the smallest of hallways. When all of us had gotten out of the maze we were not surprised to hear most of us had hit our head against the ceiling. Not an uncommon problem in our group, I am considered one of the shorter people! Check out the video below!

The rest of my week was not as fun, I had to work all week. As I have already told you all I do is sort books, but this week also involved cleaning tables and fixing up old books. To top it all off both of my six week courses have started. I now have to spend my day working and doing homework.  Next week I will be introducing you all to some more Dutch culture.

Until Then,
