Dean Dominates Mustangs

Dean Dominates Mustangs

The Lady Mustangs had a tough opening-season match against Dean College. The final score ended in 12-0 Dean's victory. The Mustangs traveled to Franklin, MA with only 12 players and knew they had their work cut out for them.  

Freshman Bayley Caouette, stepped up as a team player for the season opening game and volunteered to be the goalie.  Caoutte had never played goalie a day in her life before today's game, but that did not stop her from taking on the challenge.  

Alyssa Klotzbeecher of Dean College was able to get past CM's defense and score 3-goals. Dean players, Hope Crawley, Kim Dickson, Arianna Medeiros and Rachel Mauricio contributed to their team's 12-0 victory today against the Mustangs.  

CM's fowards Kayla Angelico and Cassie Regner attacked Dean's defense and took several shots on goal, but all of them were saved by Dean's goalie, Paige Marshall.